Welcome to year 5! 

5L- Miss Ledbury

5R- Miss Richards

PSA- Miss Downs

On this page you will find useful links and information on what we are learning in school!

P.E is on a Monday and Tuesday. Please remember to bring your P.E kit in on those days.

Reading books and Reading Records need to be in everyday for reading groups.

Homework is given out on a Thursday and should be returned on a Wednesday the following week.


Homework will be set across a range of platforms. Please make sure you complete all tasks set. Children have all logins which they require in their homework books or reading records. 


These will be sent home in your homework book, please practise these by writing them out using look, cover, write and check method. Then write these words into a sentence showing you understand the meaning of each word. Activities will also be set on EdShed.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash will have activities set linked with a range of subjects. 


Maths homework will be set on Purple Mash and TT Rockstars. Children need to continue to practise their times tables knowledge. 


Children have their reading book and reading for pleasure book that they bring home. Children need to record what they have read in their reading records. We ask parents to sign this at the end of the week. Children will also be set quizzes on Reading On Your Head.

Useful links 

https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/log-in.html - handwriting practise.

https://ttrockstars.com/ - multiplication games. 

https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0&l=0 - maths games related to class learning and a range of books which mirrors our reading scheme. 

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn -videos and activities based on topics covered in KS2.

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Year 5/6 words

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Your child will have their login details to access the website. Here they can practise the songs we are learning in music for each term. 
