Welcome to Year 6!
Your teachers are:
6C - Miss Collier
6B - Mrs Bibi-Aziz
PSA - Ms Riahana
Support Teacher - Miss O'Rourke DHT
Important Information
Monday |
(please bring in the correct kit - see below for more details) |
Tuesday | |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Please ensure that you are reading every night at home and your reading diary is signed to reflect this. Banded reading books will be changed weekly. Children can change their library books when they have finished reading.
This is where you will find access to 'Class Newsletters' which will be uploaded every half term. They will provide you with information about what the pupils will be learning about in class and could be informative in supporting your child at home. Hard copies will also be sent home with your children every half term.
This week's homework and spellings
Pupils will be given project homework every Thursday to complete at home. This could be something written or practical.
Project Homework: 28.09.23
In History we have been learning about children during the Industrial Revolution and the jobs they had to do. For homework you need to write a diary entry imagining you are a child working during this time.
You could be down the mines, in a factory or in a workhouse. Think about the jobs you have to do, how long you work, how you feel each day and the conditions you work in.
Additional Homework:
Addition homework will be set on a range of platform. Pupils will have their relevant logins in their reading records and work will be set weekly.
These will be sent home every Thursday and can be found in homework books. Pupils will be tested on their spellings weekly. Activities will also be set on EdShed.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash will have activities set linked with science, history or geography and reflect the learning in class. Pupils can used these activities to consolidate their learning.
Maths homework will be set on TT Rockstars. Pupils need to continue to practise their times tables knowledge to support with a range of mathematical concepts such as fractions. Also, remember to take part in the weekly tournament.
Pupils have their reading book and classroom library book that they bring home. Pupils need to record what they have read in their reading records. We ask parents to sign this at the end of the week. Pupils will also be set weekly quizzes on Reading On Your Head.
This page will be regularly updated with key resources to support with learning at home as well as a platform to showcase amazing work!
Y6 Spellings
This page will be regularly updated with key resources to support with learning at home as well as a platform to showcase amazing work!
Place value within 10,000,000
Key vocabulary:
Maths is Fun
A great website for addition support at home.
Autumn 1: Electricity
Knowledge Organiser
Key vocabulary
Cell – a device, which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
Bulb – the glass part of an electric lamp, which gives out light when electricity passes through it.
Battery - collection of cells that converts chemical energy into electrical energy
Circuit – a complete route which an electric current can flow around
Switch - a small control for an electrical device which you use to turn the device on or off
Wires - a long thin piece of metal that is used to fasten things or to carry electric current
Autumn - Industrial Revolution
Knowledge Organiser
Key Vocabulary
The Industrial Revolution - BBC Bitesize
The Industrial Revolution began around 1760. It led to many of the biggest changes of the Victorian era.
Autumn 2: Local Fieldwork
Geography content will be available soon.
Friday 22nd September 2023: Make My Voice Heard
Pupils have created art work based on the work of Käthe Kollwitz. They have used a series of lines to create a simple portrait of a face. Pupils then used Käthe Kollwitz as an inspiration to add to these lines to show an emotional expression. Finally, they used charcoal to add shadows to their portrait drawing
P.E. Kit
- Please bring in your P.E. kits on a Monday and Tuesday in a clearly labelled bag.
- Below is an example of appropriate clothing for P.E. lessons.
Your P.E. kit should consist of:
- Navy blue sports shorts and plain white t-shirt (short or long sleeved) for indoor sports
- Navy blue jogging bottoms and navy blue sweatshirt for outdoor sports
- Black pumps or plain black trainers
Miss O'Rourke's Group 2023-2024
Welcome back to our groups page!
I will be adding key information to our group's page to support your learning throughout the year.
Looking forward to seeing you in September!